Qing Guo's Artwork P(07)IG Collaborative work with Han Zhou 3.2024 → 4.2024
For the P(07)IG project, I was responsible for graphic production and 3D modelling of the organ pig, pig statue, and operating room scenes. The initial inspiration for this project came from my reflections on news about pig heart transplants.
We are proud of our role as creators because we decide whether most animals live or die. As technology advances, using animal organs for transplants is emerging as a solution to the shortage of human organs. This raises ethical questions about technology and animal welfare. What does it mean to be human? How do we see animals? As food, tools, or resources?
We've created a dystopian world called P(07)IG.
Our alternative history imagines that 1968 pig heart transplants were successful and led to an increase in the popularity of pig organ transplants in the latter decades of the 20th century. In this world, raising pigs for their organs became common, moving away from sterile environments. People genetically modify and raise pigs specifically for their organs, resulting in mass production and slaughter of these organ pigs.
In our constructed world, factors like human nature, ecology, ethics, and technology caused xenotransplantation to go awry, evolving into a dystopian, authoritarian, and inhumane society. By exaggerating and distorting social realities, we explore the dark side of xenotransplantation, its potential dangers, and underlying societal issues.